
米博体育8383: Internet

Current position: Home -> Life -> Internet



Students who stay in dormitories can apply for the cable internet access from the office of China telecom or China mobile on campus which locates at "I" on the map: http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/file/XMUXAmap.jpg. The cost is only 40RMB per month.

Free WIFI:

haiwai; 12345678 (OEC office building) 

XMUNET; password to be set at first use (office buildings, cafeteriae on campus). Guidance available at: http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/shownews.aspx?news_id=3379




Kunluan Building (Building 2, Main Building Group), Xiang'an Campus, Xiamen University, Xiang'an South Road, Xindian Town, Xiang'an

District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China 361102, School of Overseas Education, Xiamen University

Email: oec@xmu.edu.cn (Enrollment) oecbgs@xmu.edu.cn (Office) Website: http://oec.xmu.edu.cn/

Tel:+86 (0) 592 2186211 Fax:+86 (0) 592 2093346
